My new piece in Inside Higher Ed
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Educator, Columnist, Author
& General Observer of the Unique and Profound
“I failed to realize how, as a semiregular part of the campus community and, especially as the spouse of the president, I couldn’t help but be regarded differently by different people. Their impressions would be inevitably influenced by various connections and associations with the university.”
— Mort Maimon, Musings on Being a Presidential Spouse, Inside Higher Ed
Living Here, Stories
by Mort Maimon
Hello There, my name is Mort Maimon.
I grew up in West Philly and have been exploring the US from coast to coast ever since. Join me as I take you through stories of my adventures with the Iditarod in Alaska to celebrating the millennium at the Grand Canyon. I am a life-long educator and writer and while I’ve experienced so much, there is much more to explore.
Mort Maimon on 24 Years as a Presidential Spouse
Contact Mort Maimon for quotes on Higher Education & University Life as a Presidential Spouse
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